woman in plank position

Exercise and Mental Health: What's the Correlation?

Live Conscious Editorial Staff

If you want to put your mental health at the top of your priority list, you need to exercise. If you're feeling unmotivated, stay tuned -- it’s a proven fact that exercise truly does boost your mood, big time.

A study from the University of Vermont looked at treating in-patients in psychiatric facilities with physical exercise. They found that, even though the patients had different forms of mental health concerns and mood disorders, exercise alleviated symptoms and, in some cases, reduced time in facilities and reliance on medication. 

That’s big news. It means that natural, physical activity can be effectively used as a first-line treatment for folks with anger, anxiety, and depression issues. Of course, that’s great news for people in mental health facilities, but this news can directly be used by anyone who wants a regular, natural boost, and improved mental health.

Why Exercise Helps Mental Health

There is the obvious benefit of being physically healthy. You can avoid certain illnesses, which could cause you to experience depression, frustration, and anxiety. Moving beyond that, there are different ways that mental health gets a boost from physical activity.

Aerobic exercise and the connection to anxiety, depression, and mood are promising. Significant benefits were discovered when looking at studies that found a positive correlation between exercise and people with mood disorders and healthy people. 

The most significant benefits were found in people who did aerobic exercises that used large muscle groups and were at a moderate to low intensity, performed for 15-30 minutes, at least three times a week for 10 weeks or more. It’s quite a commitment but worth it.

Results can be noticeable after a single session and improve over time, which is a lot faster than it takes to see physical results from working out.

Looking at all of the data, it appears as if endorphins and monoamine are big reasons exercise is so beneficial.

Endorphins are molecules produced by your pituitary gland and hypothalamus. They give you a great sense of well-being and can even relieve pain. 

♦ Monoamine neurotransmitters work in your central nervous system and are important in emotions, learning, and memory. Serotonin is one of these neurotransmitters, and it’s long been a key part of treating depression.

While these chemical reactions in the brain get a lot of credit, there are other hypotheses that deserve a look too. 

♦ A simple distraction can play a role in giving your brain a break from all of life’s stress. Try focusing on a fitness routine. 

♦ Self-efficacy is another way that exercise makes you feel great. Whether you’re challenging yourself to be more fit, or you’re just proud of yourself for finishing your routine, accomplishing something is an important part of feeling good about yourself.

♦ Social interaction works like a vaccine to release oxytocin and lower cortisol. Face-to-face communication has an important role in happiness and mental health. And yes, this means talking to someone IRL.

While there are a lot of possible reasons that exercise helps with mental health, there’s no one definitive explanation. This could be because each person reacts differently or because the response is triggered by several factors at once. It could also be a combination of those two. 

Two women high-fiving each other in a workout class

The real takeaway here is that exercise does strengthen your mental health and your physical health.

Exercise Supports Mental Health

So, exercise can improve your mental health, but how? Running a mile doesn’t instantly make you feel better, or does it? That all depends on you and your response to exercise. 

It should be noted that while running works for some people, so much so that they get a “high” feeling, it doesn’t work for everyone. But, once you find the exercise that works for you, you can expect to see the following benefits. 

♦ Reduced anxiety

♦ Decreased depression

♦ More positive moods

♦ Improved self-esteem

♦ Cognitive function improvements

♦ Increased ability to interact socially

♦ Improved sleep

♦ Increased libido

♦ More endurance, energy, and stamina

♦ Stress relief

♦ Weight maintenance or loss

♦ Reduced cholesterol

♦ Improved cardiovascular fitness

♦ A rise in physical health overall

Healthy mental state

Exercises for Mental Wellbeing

If you want a mental boost or simply want to be more proactive about your mental health, the following exercises give you a good idea of things you can try. 

It doesn’t need to be the same thing every time, just get out and be active.

♦ Running, your speed doesn’t matter

♦ Brisk walking a la cardio-based treadmill class

♦ Swimming is perfect if you have joint issues but want a challenge

♦ Cycling or your favorite spin class

♦ Gardening, not only the physical activity but the soil itself is an antidepressant

♦ Dancing, all forms, provide epic physical and emotional boosts

♦ Obstacle courses are basically adult playgrounds - perfect for friend groups

♦ HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is awesome for adrenaline junkies

Of course, these are only suggestions. If you’re heavy into soccer or another sport that has you moving around and working big muscle groups, then you’re already exercising for your mind and body. 

A walk on the beach

Just remember, it’s best to get in at least three workouts a week with a duration of 30 minutes or more. For some inspiring suggestions that will keep you moving, check us out on Facebook @weliveconscious and Instagram @weliveconscious

Greens to Jumpstart Your Routine

And if you need a little help with starting a new routine, Live Conscious’ Beyond Greens offers a well-rounded way of improving multiple areas of your health for an impact you’ll notice throughout your whole body. 

The superfood formula combines echinacea, Rhodiola, milk thistle, probiotics, and four varieties of powerful mushrooms to support a healthy immune system and gut health while detoxifying your body and providing the energy you need to get going.

Waking Up To Welness

The mind-body connection is a miraculous thing. Just one small area of that is how moving your body physically and strengthening it can boost your mental health - in remarkable ways nonetheless.

Even people experiencing mental health concerns have shown notable improvement when they add exercise to their workout regimen. This means that you have the power to make your mental health better just by incorporating exercise into your routine. The nutrition found in Live Conscious’ Beyond Greens can go a long way towards providing the energy you need to keep your exercise routine going.

The best choice of exercise is the one that best suits you, the one you enjoy best. That way, you'll be more inclined to stick to it. Give these a try and see how you begin to feel in the days and weeks to come. We're rooting for you!