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When and How to Transform Your Workspace With Feng Shui


Be honest. What does your desk look like? Is it:

  1. Loaded with personal touches and a lot of little “treasures”
  2. Stark and empty with ruler-straight organization
  3. A cluttered mess that seems to grow piles of work on its own

No matter which of these you pick, your desk is in need of a feng shui guru. Lucky for you, we’ve got the tips you need to become your own guru and transform your desk from the area you sit at work to your personal productive space.

Not only will this transformation make it easier to work, but it will also make you happier at your job.

In fact, that’s the goal of feng shui; it’s designed to boost prosperity, creativity, and harmony. Everyone can use more of that at work, right?

Young woman at her desk at work

Tropical Oasis

Try to shield yourself from the cube cluster with tall plants that surround you with life and distance from the rest of the office. This tip is especially useful if you’re near a heavily traveled area or a door.

The constant movement of other people brings distracting energy to your space and can cause your mind to jump all over, never really able to focus on the task at hand.

One thing to note when talking about plants is that fake plants and dead plants aren’t the same as healthy live ones. It seems obvious, and yet too many people make this mistake. In feng shui, dead, dried, and fake are the same as stagnancy. If you don’t have a green thumb, try succulents as they’re easy to grow.

Five Elements

In feng shui, the five elements are key to harmony. These elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Used correctly, these are the building blocks to harmony and energy.

The trick is to have each one make an appearance on your desk and be represented in a way that’s equal to the other elements.


Colors are a powerful part of feng shui and can be used in a variety of ways. One of the easiest ways to bring in beneficial colors is to use them to represent the five elements.

Careful placement of color around you can also help you feel more alert and productive, while poor color placement can zap your energy and leave you desperately needing a nap.

Be Intentional

Every item on your desk needs to be there for a reason. Look around, and you’ll probably find more than one thing that you didn’t realize was there, and that really serves no purpose. Removing the pointless clutter is a big step toward creating harmony and organization.

Woman organizing her pin board

Vision Board

Have you ever made a vision board? While some people think they’re just a silly craft project, those that have done them realize that they’re a great tool. Vision boards bring your dreams and aspirations to life through visualization. This is a powerful way to not just think about what you want but to express it and to actually see it.

Now we’re not suggesting you make a vision board of your desk, but that you transform your desk into your work vision board. What? I know, right! This is a really out-of-the-box approach, but you’ll soon discover that you love it.

You can add little items and pictures that remind you of where you want to go professionally, or you can cover your desktop with vision board imagery and positive messages. Then when your mind drifts at work, it keeps coming back to your own personal goals.

Look Below

Your desk or workspace is not just the desktop. Check out what’s underneath your desk.

In feng shui, keeping things under your bed blocks your energy flow and prevents quality sleep. In the office, keeping junk under your desk is thought to do the same thing, except it blocks quality work instead of sleep.

When to Feng Shui Your Desk

Feng shui can be used by everyone to create a work environment that they find more pleasing and productive. Think about how much time you put into making your house a home, into picking the right paint colors, the most comfortable couch, a bed that feels like a dream, and then think about how little effort you put into your desk.

While picking up the clutter and organizing your desk is a good step in the right direction, it’s not feng shui. Feng shui has a psychological component that acknowledges the importance of having an environment that supports your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.

When you put that all together, and then you add up the hours you spend at your desk, it’s obvious that your desk could use a feng shui overhaul immediately.

Young group of people at work

Waking Up To Wellness

Now that you know what to do and you’re ready to do it, it’s time to feng shui. Just remember that when you learn the rules of feng shui, you’ll see that some will really feel right and logical to you while others are simply impossible at your workplace. Though with a little customizing and some compromises, you’ll be able to move toward more feng shui in the office.

Start your office feng shui journey by looking around you, do you need separation from distractions? Then tackle the top of your desk. Is everything on it intentional, is there a representation of each of the five elements, and does it speak to your goals?

Finally, look under your desk and around you to see if you’re blocking energy with clutter. If you can manage all of these steps, you’re headed in the right direction for a happier and more productive workspace.