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15 Simple, yet Powerful, Ways to Fight Climate Change


You want to do your part to stop climate change, but you don’t want to dive deep into the political and statistical nightmare. That’s okay, you can do a lot and make a big difference by doing some simple things. 

Ways to Help the Environment

The facts about climate change are clear, and our planet is in rough shape. The World Economic Forum’s 2016 Global Risks Report cites climate change as the most impactful risk facing the entire world in the coming decade.

From everyday changes to random changes, you can make when the need arises. These tips will help you do your part to help your environment and fight climate change.

1. Disposing of Appliances and Electronics

When it comes to smaller appliances and electronics, it’s tempting to throw them in the trash, and the easy route is to wheel your big appliances to the curb, but the trash is no place for appliances and electronics. 

Learning how to properly dispose of appliances and electronics in your area can make a big difference in the environment. But you can take that a step further if the equipment is still working. Try donating it, or give it away to someone who can put your old appliances to good use. 

Most important, fridges, freezers, and air conditioners contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which are very harmful to the environment. Certain steps must be taken to dispose of these items. Hiring a company that deals with the removal and proper disposal is an easy solution.

2. Start Composting

You don’t need to have a large yard, or even have a yard at all to compost. Modern composting bins don’t take up a lot of space, and they make it super easy to turn food scraps into super soil for your plants–even in an apartment.

3. Start a Garden

Now that you have all of that nutrient-rich soil, the next step is to start a garden. Growing food means you’re purchasing less food that’s been shipped across the country or the world. At the same time, you’re improving the health of your soil, decreasing flooding and runoff, and you're helping your soil sequester carbon.

If you don’t have the space to start a garden, try a container garden, use a community garden, or start a community or school garden program.

4. Go to the Farmer’s Market

Buying local, in-season foods supports your local economy while cutting back on shipping. It also tastes better. Food that’s allowed to naturally ripen in the ground or on the vine tastes much better than food that ripens in a truck or a grocery store.

5. Meatless Mondays

Participate in Meatless Mondays, or go all in and go vegetarian or vegan. The animals we use for red meat are responsible for 10-40 times more greenhouse gas emissions than vegetables and grains. 

The more you can cut back on your meat consumption, the better it is for the environment and quite possibly for your body, too.

6. Refuse Plastic

There’s a new movement that’s adding “refuse” to the mantra Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. By refusing plastics, you can make a huge difference for the environment. The no-straw craze has hit just about every big city at this point, but that’s not the only single-use plastic that’s causing a problem. 

Take a hard look at your life and eliminate all single-use plastics, then try to cut back on other plastic use. The harder you look, the more you’ll find to change.

At Live Conscious, we're proud to lead the way in reducing carbon footprint in our industry. For instance, our popular Collagen Peptides are now delivered to you in an eco-friendly sealable bag. The bag uses 86% less plastic than the previous container. 

7. Stop Buying in Bulk

Only buy what you need, and you’ll end up with less waste. Cutting back on your garbage contribution means a lot, but it’s not just plastic that’s bad for the environment. 

All garbage is a bad thing. By buying wisely, you’ll be creating less garbage, and you might even be saving money.

8. Be an Eco-Driven Consumer

Support businesses that support causes you consider important. Consumers have more power than they realize, and your money can make a difference. 

Don’t fund companies that work against the environment, but instead put your hard-earned cash in the pockets of companies and brands that support the environment.

9. Shop Secondhand

Get clever and creative with secondhand clothing, appliances, furniture, and more. Stopping the cycle of consumption and the disposable nature of society is a huge step toward fighting climate change. Learn to upcycle and discover how fun creativity can be.

10. Use Eco-Friendly Toilet Paper

It’s a little step that can make a big difference. Eco-friendly toilet paper can be made of recycled paper. It cuts back on chemicals used to make it, they’re biodegradable and septic safe. It’s a win/win for you and the environment.

11. Reconsider How You Get There

Can you stop driving everywhere, and cut back on your personal car emissions, and reduce your carbon footprint? How about walking, using public transportation, taking a bike, using rideshare? 

There are a lot of different ways you can go from here to there while helping the environment.

12. Unplug It and Turn It Off

It’s an easy habit to change–turn off lights when you’re not using them and unplug electronics when you’re not using them. But, did you know that your coffee pot is using electricity when it’s plugged in, even when it’s turned off? And it’s not just the coffee pot that’s to blame, it’s anything that’s plugged in.

13. Don’t Waste Water

Toxic water, droughts, and contaminated runoff are a few visible signs that clean water is becoming a threatened resource. 

Do your part to cut back on water waste. Take shorter showers, don’t water your lawn, turn off the faucet, install a low flow toilet, use a rain barrel (if your community allows it), and fix all leaks in your home.

14. Home Energy Audit

Either hire a professional to do a home energy audit or do one yourself. This gives you a customized picture of your energy usage, which helps you find more ways to make a difference.

15. Stay Informed

Knowing what’s new in climate change is a big step in the right direction, it helps you know where you can make a difference. Stay on top of climate change news, and follow Live Conscious on Facebook @weliveconscious and Instagram @weliveconscious.

Waking Up To Wellness

It’s easy to make a difference in climate change. If everyone tried a little, we’d be in a better position than we are today. It’s certainly not the solution, but at least you’re not contributing to the problem, making it grow exponentially.

From watching your energy consumption to making thoughtful purchases, your choices are important. In addition, many of these changes not only help the environment, but they can help you live a healthier life, too.